When seeking legal assistance in regards to bankruptcy protection, it’s vital that you remain vigilant in your search for a high-quality lawyer. If you’ve never had to search for a bankruptcy lawyer or any type of legal aid before, it’s understandable that you may not know what to do (and what not to do). Here is a brief guide of do’s and don’ts when seeking legal aid for bankruptcy protection.
The Do’s of Seeking Legal Assistance for Bankruptcy
- Do your research. Investigate any legal aid or law firm online before scheduling a consultation. Visit their website and other websites that review lawyers to get honest feedback.
- Ask family and friends for recommendations. Chances are, they can recommend someone who is trustworthy.
- Talk to the law firm about costs upfront to determine how much you will pay for legal aid. Make sure to ask about the option of paying in installments if you need it.
- Talk to the bankruptcy lawyer. If he or she does not answer your questions in ways you can thoroughly understand, keep stepping. Your lawyer should be able to explain things in a clear way that you can understand.
- Ask the bankruptcy lawyer to explain the different types of bankruptcy protection options available to you.
The Don’ts of Seeking Legal Assistance for Bankruptcy
- Don’t let any legal aid pressure you into filing bankruptcy. You may have other forms of debt relief available.
- Don’t hide things or lie to your bankruptcy lawyer. They are not going to judge you, but they do need the whole truth to be able to provide the best legal aid possible.
- Don’t hire a bankruptcy attorney simply because they are the cheapest option. This could backfire quickly (you get what you pay for!).
If you’re searching for legal aid in regards to personal bankruptcy protection, we understand that you may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and distressed. Look no further than Groce & DeArmon. Our law firm provides friendly, experienced assistance for individuals seeking debt relief options. We are not going to pressure you into filing for bankruptcy. Instead, we will present you with all your viable options, make sure you understand the repercussions of each, and help you make an informed decision that you can be happy with.
It’s not too late to dig yourself out of that pit of debt. Contact Groce & DeArmon today to learn more about our bankruptcy protection. And experience the benefits of having a qualified bankruptcy lawyer on your side.